The first story, The Bet, is a newly-colored version of the story from Batman: Gotham Knights #14. It was originally published in April, 2001. This story was written by Paul Dini and illustrated by Ronnie Del Carmen. In this story Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy make a bet that Poison Ivy can't win a kiss from every man in Arkham Asylum.
The second story in this paperback is the one-shot Harley and Ivy: Love on the Lam, which was originally published in November, 2001. This story was written by Judd Winick and illustrated by Joe Chiodo. In this story Harley Quinn tries to pull off a big heist in order to get back in the Joker's good graces. She tries so with the help of Poison Ivy.
The third story was originally published in the three issues of the comic book mini-series Batman: Harley and Ivy from June to August, 2004. These stories were written by Paul Dini and illustrated by Bruce Timm. In this story Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy pack off to a corrupt South American country in order to recover a specimen of a rare zombie root central to Poison Ivy's new plans for world domination. From there, they make their way to Hollywood, where they begin filming a big-budget movie glorifying their own escapades.
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