An incredible, insightful and profusely illustrated book on caricaturist William Auerbach-Levy (1889-1964). The look and style of WAL's caricatures was wholly unique and deserves a look.
From the dust jacket:
W. A. L., brilliant caricaturist whose cosmopolitan interpretations of celebrities of stage and screen, figureheads on the political scene, and notables in literary and art circles enliven the pages of The New Yorker, Collier's and other publications, offers in this book a representative collection of his best work, accompanied by an illuminating and entertaining text. In addition, he generously and frankly reveals his methods of making a caricature. Drawing from his vast store of experience as a successful etcher and teacher as well as a renowned caricaturist, Auerbach-Levy demonstrates with innumerable sketches, drawings and reproductions of his own ever-popular work, his approach to a subject, his analysis of basic construction, and his complete procedure through to the final rendering.
For anyone interested in caricature as a profession or a hobby, there is an abundance of helpful material in this volume. The casual reader will find it an amusing book, for Auerbach-Levy recounts many of his diverting experiences with the personalities he has been commissioned to caricature. For its abundance of illustrations and the soundness of the constructive text, this volume is unhesitatingly recommended.
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