A graphic novel inspired by Animal Farm, beautifully illustrated by Felix Delep. Felix draws a variety of farm animals with incredible fluidity and the expressions and personality are so strong, it's hard to believe Le Château des animaux is his very first series.
This series has been published in English in standard comic book format (6.7 x 10 inches), however to truly enjoy Delep's artwork, I prefer the original French format (9.5 x 12.5 inches) or the grand format (11.5 x 14.75 inches).
From the publisher:
Resistance through nonviolence
Winter has come to the castle. The climate is harsh for its inhabitants, especially since President Silvio continues his reign of terror... But Miss B and her friends, the rabbit Caesar and the rat Azélar, have not had their last word.
Baptized "the Daisies", their movement continues to enrage the dictator bull, refusing to wear bell collars and demanding free wood for all animals. To be better heard, these courageous companions brave the cold every night holding a sit-in under Silvio's windows. But for Miss B, defeating the dictatorship can only be done by avoiding the most formidable of traps: the temptation to violence. Will she manage to convince her friends to resist peacefully? The challenge seems very difficult...
La résistance par la non-violence
L'hiver a gagné le château. Le climat est rude pour ses habitants, d'autant que le Président Silvio continue de faire régner la terreur... Mais Miss B et ses amis, le lapin César et le rat Azélar, n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot.
Baptisé « les Marguerites », leur mouvement, continue les outrances au taureau dictateur, refusant le port de collier à grelots et exigeant la gratuité du bois pour tous les animaux. Pour être mieux entendus, ces courageux compagnons bravent le froid chaque nuit pour faire un sit-in sous les fenêtres de Silvio. Mais pour Miss B, vaincre la dictature ne peut se faire qu'en évitant le plus redoutable des pièges : la tentation de la violence. Parviendra t-elle à convaincre ses amis de résister pacifiquement ? Le défi semble bien difficile...
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